Category: Rose


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    Cali got to have her cousins over earlier in the week. These 2 year olds are growing up so fast and it was fun to see them interact and really play with each other.

    first they rode bikes

    I love that they each had their sippy cups and had to ride them around and move them from bike to bike with them.

    my little tomboy

    aren't they cute

    then they came in and played Legos (you can tell they all have older brothers) but they did eventually play dolls and kitchen

    Today Cali and I were trying to teach Rose how to role over. She can do front to back and is getting close to sitting up. My girls have both gotten so big.

    not sure why Cali has on all of the protective gear

    Rose with a handful of Cali's hair - I have a feeling this won't be the only time 🙂

    Categories: Cali, Rose

    5 months


    Rose - 5 Months - March 1, 2011

    This girl loves to eat just like all of my kids have. She is easy to get laughs and smiles from. Bedtime is getting earlier – asleep around 9 and wakes up once in the early morning hours to eat, then sleeps until 8:30. She has sensitive skin so we are usually fighting some sort of rash. No hair. Lots of cradle cap. Favorite place to be is in the middle of the dinner table in the bumbo. Likes to be rocked. Loves her baths and she knows that getting swaddled and then patted on the bum equals nap time.

    Still loving the SWADDLE, I don't think she's changed much!!

    Now that Rose is a big 5 month old I let her wear jeans for the first time!! And she needed to sport the BYU shirt for the game tonight – go Cougs!

    first time wearing jeans

    Categories: Rose

    Rose’s Heart


    12 pounds 13 ounces and 23.5 inches long

    Rose went to the cardiologist yesterday to see how the 3 holes in her heart were doing. She went when she was 2 weeks old and now it has been 3 months since that first appointment. The EKG and Ultrasound looked really good – meaning, they can’t see the holes anymore! They did say that she was really gassy so it was hard to get a good look at the top of her heart, and for that reason they want to see her in one year just to be 100% sure that she is in the clear. From a mothers point of view she seems super healthy and happy and has been a really good baby. She tries to talk to Ben and I every night before bed and we love it. She obviously doesn’t say any words but she will go back and forth with you just making sounds for quite a while. 3 1/2 months have flown by and it’s hard to imagine life before Rose anymore. For the Monday Holiday Ben had to work but I still wanted to do something fun with the kids so while I played basketball, Brady took the kids to Krispy Kreme for donuts! and then we picked up Aunt Kelsey and we all went to the indoor swimming pool in Lehi. It was lots of fun. I spent most of the time taking care of baby or atleast staying close to the car seat but Rose did go swimming for the first time and liked it, until she got hungry. The pool day was a success – only because I ended up having 4 college kids there helping with my 4 kids – that my friends is the way to go to the pool 🙂

    Rose's First Swim! She's getting TOO big!

    Categories: Rose

    My Big Girl

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    I love seeing how grown up Cali has gotten lately. She has turned into a jabber box and loves to be ‘helping’.

    Cali 2 years in the Mothers Lounge

    CALI - 3 months in the Mothers Lounge

    and ROSE - 2 months in the same chair

    Categories: Cali, Rose

    My Sleepy Baby…


    Does NOT want to sleep today!! I don’t know what her deal is but she is determined to stay up all day. She is usually just a normal sleep a few and then be awake a few kind of girl but yesterday she slept and slept…

    and slept...

    Sleepy Monday

    and today she is wide awake, cat napping here and there in my arms and wide eyed when I put her down.

    Wide Eye Tuesday

    more Bright Eyes

    Hopefully tomorrow we’ll get a little more sleepy time.

    rose - 2.5 months

    And as long as she sleeps at night then I really CANNOT complain… It is 10pm now – and she is starting to fall asleep on her own so we should be good to go.

    Categories: Rose

    Baby Blessing


    We blessed Rose on Sunday morning December 5th, during the North Field 4th Ward Sacrament Meeting! She looked beautiful in her little white dress that my mom made for her and she didn’t cry during it at all – she was perfect. It was a really good blessing day with lots of love and family. I was touched that my Grandpa made the extra effort to be there even though it was early. And it was neat to have so many of mine and Ben’s brothers there to participate in the blessing ( Ryan, Joel, Brady, Pete, Matt, and Udine). PICTURES…

    Rose 🙂

    Full Dress

    Great Grandpa Arden Johnson with me and little Rose

    Poser - one of the few shots without her Pacifier

    Proud Parents

    Rose with HER siblings

    Rose with MY siblings

    The Gaming Table

    Big Smiler

    We had an awesome day. Sorry to the Nettesheim’s that I am to used to having around so we never remember to take any pictures 🙁 And we missed Grandma J and a few others that couldn’t come. I love baby blessings and the peace and strength that they bring. I am grateful for the authority of God on the Earth. Priesthood power is real and it blesses my family daily.

    Categories: Rose

    2 months old

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    This little girl has had a cold for half of her life! PLEASE GO AWAY.

    She is the best little sleeper that i have ever had. She is always in bed before I am – and then she only wakes up around 5am, for a short 5 minutes and then back to sleep until 8! She has been doing that pretty much since birth. I am a lucky mom.
    Rose was a perfect little traveler over thanksgiving. She gives big smiles now and we love her to death. She will be getting blessed at church in the morning! We go to the Dr next week so we will have stats then.

    2 months old

    almost a smile

    starting to fill out her car seat

    Categories: Rose

    little mom

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    She was a super good helper in the car and made sure that Rose had everything she needed. She just has those motherly instincts that her brothers definitely don’t have. She always helps me burp baby, she’s helped change a diaper, and helps with baths. She is a natural.

    giving Rose her bottle

    A happy baby with her bottle

    And Cali would hold Rose’s hand whenever she started to cry – it was very sweet:

    All Tired Out

    Categories: Cali, Rose

    1 month old

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    My baby is already a month old! In honor of the big day I let her wear her first real outfit – not just a comfy jammies:

    at her 1 month mark she has just started to get some chubby cheeks. She is outgrowing all of the newborn clothes and the 0-3’s fit now. Her eyes are really looking blue and she is a super content baby and a SUPER good night time sleeper. SHE IS A KEEPER.

    In other news:

    We had FHE last night and talked about Loving Everyone like Jesus does. FOr an object lesson we handed Benji a bag of Chocolate chips and told him he could either eat them all or he could show love and share them…  He shared and gave each of us 4 chocolate chips and then he ate his 4 :). Next we handed the bag to Packer and gave him the same choice – – he started eating the chocolate chips soo fast. After downing atleast 15 of them I asked if he would share with me so then he gave each of us 1…. Not sure if he got the whole concept, I think he stopped listening after the whole ‘you can eat them all’ part 🙂     Ben and I were both trying so hard not to laugh as he downed the chocolate.

    Late last night Ben and I were in on our bed finishing the world series and the MOnday night game and just hanging out. Our room is across the hall from the boys so after they had been in bed for over an hour Ben started playing “Angry Birds” on his phone and from across the hall we hear… ” I know what game you are playing Dad!” Benji – what? I could barely hear the music. This 5 year old is obsessed with anything electronic. Everyone else was asleep and he was claiming to have a stomach ache so we let him come and chill with us for a bit 🙂

    Ben is a man of his word… Since the day we got the dog it has been his dog. He feeds him, bathes him, cleans up after him, trained him… Well, right as Ben walked in the door from work last night the dog threw up! He never does that! My first instinct was to yell for Ben to come clean up after his dog… He came, cleaned, and didn’t complain. Then I felt bad… WELCOME HOME FROM WORK Honey 🙂

    And I wanted to Thank the Giants for giving me a reason to not have to do my hair this week – I pulled out my old dusty GIants baseball hat and wore that all week. I don’t watch a lot of baseball and haven’t really followed the Giants since Candy Maldonado, Jose Uribe, and Will the THrill Clark but it still felt like my team when they won it all last night. Well done guys.

    Categories: General, Rose