Ben 10 Teeth!!
Today was Benji’ first time at the Dentist!! Benji’s cousins PJ and Julia were at the dentist when we got there so PJ showed Benji how to work the Play Station and he quickly forgot that he didn’t want to be there.
He looks SCARED STIFF here! He was very cooperative though and the hygienist did a great job of making him feel good and comfortable. PJ stuck around to help him out too!
Here are the 2 smilers waiting for the Dentist to come and check the clean teeth. They got to play Fighting Bears while we waited and waited… Benji did a super job – he has really good teeth and the Dentist counted them and told him that they are tough guy teeth, Just like Ben 10! And Benji did not forget his moms promise that if he was a big boy at the dentist then he got to go to McDonalds for lunch!! Not a bad morning.