Day After Thanksgiving
Are these boys on a roller coaster?? nope. Just looking at Christmas decorations at Lowe’s!! 😀
We went to Lowe’s to get our tree on Friday. (We are in no procrastinating mode since the baby could come at anytime.) Below is a picture of the boys pretending to be Chrsitmas Trees and having us pick them out and see if they look like a good tree. This is right up Benji’s alley – he is Mr. Pretend.
Here is our tree! not as exciting as cutting your own but it was nice to not freeze to death, to have dad home with plenty of time to set it up and they were a decent price this year!
Speaking of “freezing to death” – I have to tell a story about my tender hearted 3 year old that takes everything literally. On Friday night Joel was over helping with our Tree and he promised that if I did 2000 Jumping Jacks then that would guaranteed put me into Labor. I’ve been a little ancy for this baby to come so Benji and I put on our sweats and started our jumping jacks. As I neared 35 jumping jacks my calves were as tight as rocks and I screamed out, “My legs are going to Break Off!” I repeated this atleast 3 more times and Benji just went into hysterics. He yelled for me to stop and wanted to know why my legs were breaking and he was so worried that I wouldn’t have any legs. So I only made it to 75 jumping jacks and had to stop to explain that my legs weren’t really going to break but that was just an expression. … maybe I’ll do those other 1925 jumping jacks today…….