Some Days are Busier than Others
And This Was A Busy One!
7:30 – Cali wakes up and needs to eat
8:00 – Let Cali wake Ben up and make him get up for work.
8:15 – Vacuum downstairs so that I can do an exercise TV workout.
8:20 – Try to workout but the vacuum must have tripped the wire or whatever that would be called cause the Cable Box reset and Exercise TV will be available shortly. A few situps later Benji wakes up… looks like exercise is not top of the list anymore.
8:30 – Breakfast for the boys – well if you count sippies and cereal in a bag as breakfast that is.
8:45Â – Laundry, Dishes, Emails, Cali down for a nap, Â Lesson Prep for Sunday, make lunch, find Mikilas long lost overdue movie, get kids dressed.
11:00 – Play group and picnic with the ward. Lots of peops came and my boys actually went and played instead of sitting on my blanket with me so it was a success. They even got brave enough to try the big trampoline by the end.
1:00 – Grab some stuff and load the kids in the car for some afternoon errands.
1:30 – See LaNell on her bike ride, she had only gone 15 miles – just started – (psycho)!
2:00 – stop at the bank
2:20 – Mikilas work to give her the movie cause really can you pay 30 bucks for an old used lost movie.
2:30 – grab balloons and Candy for Grandpa Johnsons 86th?? birthday.
2:45 – Go to my grandparents house in Orem. They’ve been at their “summer home” in Kanab recently and go back tomorrow so we were glad to catch them before they left. Benji and Packer chose to stay there while I took Cali to the Dr. which is weird if you know my mommas boys but they do really well with their great grandparents and Benji didn’t want to hear Cali cry when she got her shots.
3:30 – Cali to her 6 month well check. Healthy Happy Baby – weighed in at 15.3 and 25 and 1/2 inches. 3 shots and we were out of there.
4:10 – Pick up the boys and say goodbye to my GP’s.
4:20 – Stop at the mall, say hi to Joel and hit a few stores.
5:15 – Home Sweet Home. Try calling the concrete guy one more time…
5:30 – Hotdogs for dinner.
6:00 – Clean Up, kids playing, Ben not home yet.
6:10 – more laundry, I’m tired, Ben is working from home between 7and 9pm so the kids and I head upstairs for some Toy Story 2. That’s a good movie – we watched it twice 🙂 There’s a 3rd one coming out right? can’t wait. I snuck in a few phone calls with family and friends and planning for tomorrow. Called my Dad – he’s home alone – that doesn’t happen often at my parents place so I thought I would check in.
9:00 – Sing songs with the boys. Cali goes to bed.
9:10 – teeth, scriptures and prayers. Bedtime for the boys.
9:30 – Time to do my blog. Some ‘us’ time – he’s on his computer and I’m on mine – we’re both doing computer stuff so that counts – right?
and my super happy baby even with the immunizations this afternoon. She’s just learning to sit. Don’t you just want to kiss those cheeks? I do. Love her.