Day: March 7, 2011

    cute kids



    Packer and Cali convinced me that we NEEDED these pajamas – Yes Packer chose Sponge Bob AGAIN, Cali wanted Dora and Packer decided that Benji would want Toy Story more than Cars. When Benji got home from school Packer told him to go up to his room and look in his Jammie Drawer – – they were all so excited – totally worth the 10$ splurge.

    DID you KNOW that MY parents WENT cruising LAST week? They flew to Puerto Rico and then got on the boat and went to a lot of cool islands. They got to go with a BUNCH of their friends and I’m sure they were missing me the whole time but they still had fun 🙂


    My Mom on the beach somewhere in another country - jealous!

    My Dad!

    I'm amazed that they got to cruise with so many good friends!

    AND did you know that my littlest sister camped out at the Marriott Center for 3 nights so that she could get a good seat for Saturdays BYU basketball game – They got 6th row! We saw her on TV passing  Cosmo up the stands, and they did a fun DANCE and she got to chill with some players after/during the MWC champion celebration…

    That's my Kelsey in the Red Sweatshirt


    with ABOUO

    Fredette and Emery were too busy for a picture

    But I just found this link and Kelsey is right there on the loading screen – first picture!

    BENJI AFter SCHOOL. This guy is a creature of habit. He always has been and I’m thinking he always will be. If I am going to change anything up on him he has to be warned and talked through it and then he is still nervous until he gets used to the change. A friend has been picking him up for school in the mornings since the beginning of the year – the first few days were really hard to get him in their car and he needed bribing BUT now it is the routine and I LOVE IT….

    coming home from school - kindergarten is flying by!!

    It’s flying by for me anyway – this guy has grown leaps and bounds in kindergarten. He can READ. He can Write! he can actually draw and color and count by 5, 10, 20 or whatever. He is so big and it is so fun. He and Packer woke up early on Friday and started creating some art work, they continued some of the art they started with their friend Lucie – here is what they came up with. Mostly monsters…

    Benji's work

    Packer's work

    Packer has this really weird habit that I have almost blogged about a few times because as much as I don’t like it I kind of want to tell him about it when he is older… so I will hide the details here in this really long post so that only the diligent readers will have the chance of reading the bathroom talk 🙂 So every time Packer goes #2 he says, (and I quote) “Mom can you come wipe my bum. I went poop but some poop is stuck in and you need to come wipe it out. ok mom?” That is word for word and he says it EVERY time and the first part is loud to get my attention and then he just trails off with the rest of the sentence and explanation.

    our only Brown Eyed Child! He makes us laugh a lot.

    Packer is also just getting over a little issue at primary. He went in and started crying the last 2 weeks and it was all because they switched his class to the other side of the room and he felt like he couldn’t see his big brother anymore and so he has been in tears and all of the wonderful primary peops have been trying to help, so we had a talk and I believe that this week went well, he just needed a little assurance that it is ok to sit on the new side. And on that note CALI is becoming Super Nursery Girl. She lets me drop her off and doesn’t cry! The teachers are even starting to say that she does GOOD in there. They told me on Sunday that she knows how to count from 5-10, I wasn’t sure what they meant because I try to get her to count and she stumbles with 1, 2, 3. So today we were reading a book and counting and I started but she picked up at 5 and took it to 9!

    JUST THE GIRLS photo by Packer

    Well, we had another FUN FULL weekend! For date night we went to a little Thai restaurant and then picked out paint for the toy room. We had ambitions to get some more work done in there but that didn’t happen. On Saturday morning we got to go to see Caitlin and Lalo get baptized! We spent the whole morning with family, eating and playing and visiting. That afternoon we watched BYU defeat Wyoming. I ran out to get a part for the hot tub and we were wornout from crabby Cali so we put the kids to bed a little before 8, and then just relaxed. Sunday was another early morning for church, a relaxing afternoon and then we invited my siblings over for dinner. Ben made some killer stroganoff and then we lost 3 rounds of Dominion, while discussing futures, dating, family trips, and the BYU craze. Now Monday is half over so I better get going.

    i loved this pic - pure PJ happiness

    Categories: General, Nettesheim, Robertson