I did a Rose post so now you get a Cali post 🙂 I love my Cali. She is a handful. Mostly she is stubborn and always has an opinion but she is getting better as she nears the end of the terrible 2’s and we can start to reason with her. I have been told by my parents that she is me, in looks and acts, so I guess she is going to turn out GREAT 🙂
Cali stood outside the back door and cried and would not come in or let anyone else let her in. I had several siblings try to help her but she refused them all and waited for her mom to come down and open the door for her. STUBBORN. Rewind one day – Cali has a very poopy diaper, several siblings offer to change it for her. She refuses all help and waits and waits until her mom comes home and takes care of it. STUBBORN.
Her redeeming quality is that she is a great helper. If you give her a chore or a task she will jump on it and even fight to be the one to get to do it. I asked her to give Rose her bottle one day and now she HAS to be the one to give Rose her bottle. Cali is my best cleaner and my very best “go getter” (moms with babies need lots of going and getting).
Cali currently sleeps on the floor in her brothers room and she loves it there. She is almost a no napper 🙁 I still force her to take them on occasion. She loves to sing – her favorites are Twinkle Twinkle, Child of God, I’m a Little Tea Pot, and Sunbeam. She is always in the mood for a hot dog and drinks more milk than the rest of the house put together. Here are a few more pics from our camping trip and stuff.