I had a fun and relaxing day with way too many treats and lots of awesome visitors and phone calls and gifts. THANK YOU EVERYONE. My day went a little something like this:
actually get dressed so that I can wear my new SHOES!
11am I got the last of the edge pieces done on my birthday puzzle and had received a few birthday phone calls
Ben, Rose and I went to Olive Garden for lunch!! and then I came home to yummy treats and more birthday wishes!
I wore my new hat all day.
more birthday treats, texts and calls while I worked on my puzzle and did the least amount of work and kids as possible
Tara fed the kids dinner and Ben and kids picked out my birthday cake!
I forgot to "not talk" when I was eating my birthday cake so I had to eat it under the table - luckily I had lots of visitors
At 11:30pm I finished my puzzle and had heard from my parents, in-laws, all 11 siblings and lots of friends so I went to bed HAPPY!