that birthday cake
Rose weighed in at 19 pounds 4 ounces and is 26 inches long. She had to get 6 shots and she was NOT happy about that and made sure that the nurses knew it. Mine and Roses latest thing is to snuggle before she goes to bed. She started snuggling a lot when she was sick last month so now I just lay her on my chest and she snuggles until I put her in bed. I love it – totally worth keeping her up another 15 minutes. I don’t always have the time but I’m thinking that is good cause she can still go to sleep without snuggle time which makes it nice for Dad or babysitters.
PS. I snuck  in one last soccer game last night, And I am feeling it today. My body is sore, but I scored 4 goals so it was a fun one to end on.