Day: September 28, 2013

    Life with Millie * 9.20

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    Life with Millie


    Friday!! Look how little this girlie is. We are in love with this baby. look at that little tongue! love her!

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    Friday afternoon uncle Matt came by and gave all of the kids a ride in the ‘toy’ car. He had rented it for the day and the kids thought it was awesome.

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    Friday evening was the School Fun Run. Our kids love this even though they don’t love to run. Ben ran with the kids this year and Millie and I met them at the end. We chilled with Matt and Jamie’s family afterwards and ate pizza. Benji says “it was the best running thing ever!” Packer says, “it was fun because I beat all of my whole family again and I got a candy medal!”


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    Then we came home and examined our newly flattened yard and tried to picture some finished landscaping. LaNell and Michelle were over and the 30 minutes in the back yard resulted in baths for all kids and dogs.


    I’m pretty sure I was exhausted that night:


    Categories: General, Millie, Nettesheim, Raymond

    Life with Millie * 9.19

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    Life with Millie


    On Thursday the 19th they started work in our backyard! We extended our patio around the back of the house and a path along the east side. We are so excited to get a yard. It looks like it is going to be right in time for winter BUT… we are so excited to cover up this dirt and have a place for the kids and dog to run around again. We also received a visit from Pete and Amanda’s family. Sam was so excited to hold little Millie – it was really cute!

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    Categories: General, Nettesheim

    Life with Millie * 9.18

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    Life with Millie


    Millie is 1 week old! My body recovered wonderfully after this delivery. I really am amazed at the process. I’ve done it six times but it is still magical and marvelous. We were a little bit antsy on Wednesday. Kids were feeling cooped up and the weather was just starting to cool off. But Aunt Christy called and the kids decided they needed to draw pictures for her and that helped us get through the day. Friends from our new ward brought dinner and that was great. I really am so grateful because dinner time is my least favorite time of the day.

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    Categories: Cali, Millie, Raymond, Rose

    Life with Millie * 9.17

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    Life with Millie


    Tuesday morning my mom had to leave. It’s hard to say goodbye because she is awesome at “helping”. She just see’s what needs to be done and she does it. Sometimes that is house work, sometimes food or playing with kids… she can do it all. (then i have energy to party with all of the fam that come with her). I missed my nap time and was pretty grumpy in the kitchen trying to make dinner with fussy and fighting kids when Ben got home from work… he’s experienced enough to recognize the situation and jump in and help me. We survived. That night was Dad Time for Packer… he and Ben went to a park and made a collection and enjoyed some one on one time.

    mom and millie

    mom and millie

    bye grammie

    bye grammie

    sleepy baby in her new blanket

    sleepy baby in her new blanket


    one happy Pack Man

    one happy Pack Man

    Ray trying to adjust

    Ray trying to adjust

    Categories: Millie, Packer, Raymond, Robertson

    Life with Millie * 9.16

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    Life with Millie


    Monday was a party day. It was my mom and Mike’s last day with us 🙁 We played and shopped. The kids soaked up Grammy time and uncle michaels ipad time. I napped. That evening Ryan and his family came for dinner and everyone from the night before. Then around 7pm my moms sisters and parents and some of the cousins showed up and we surprised my mom with a little bit early 60th birthday party!!

    aren't they cute

    aren’t they cute

    the robertson family Fantasy Football Championship Belt! Ryan won last year...

    the robertson family Fantasy Football Championship Belt! Ryan won last year…

    cousin Sasha discovering the most delicious sausage dip that Ryan made for me

    cousin Sasha discovering the most delicious sausage dip that Ryan made for me

    cake anyone?

    cake anyone?

    Grandpa Johnson and a few of his grand ones

    Grandpa Johnson and a few of his grand ones

    mom opening her gifts

    mom opening her gifts

    4 generations  - if i were smart enough to get in the picture :)

    4 generations – if i were smart enough to get in the picture 🙂

    the party got a little crazy with punching balloons and lots of boys

    the party got a little crazy with punching balloons and lots of boys

    Categories: Benji, Millie, Robertson

    Life with Millie * 9.15

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    Life with Millie


    A restful day at home. Family went to church. The under three year olds and I did not. Ben made sunday dinner. My brothers (mike, sean, brady and joel) and sister in law (megan) and niece (shaelyn) came over for dinner. Grandma and Grandpa Nettesheim stopped by. Lots of loves for Millie.

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    Categories: Millie, Nettesheim, Robertson

    Life with Millie * 9.14

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    Life with Millie


    Grandma went with Ben and did soccer duty Saturday morning. We watched a little football and passed around the baby and took naps. Matt and Jamie’s family stopped by.

    flowers from Ben's Parents and Work

    flowers from Ben’s Parents and Work

    still sleeping

    still sleeping

    sleepy head

    sleepy head

    the girls helped me lay out Millie's clothes

    the girls helped me lay out Millie’s clothes

    Categories: Millie