Life with Millie * 9.20
Life with Millie
Friday!! Look how little this girlie is. We are in love with this baby. look at that little tongue! love her!
Friday afternoon uncle Matt came by and gave all of the kids a ride in the ‘toy’ car. He had rented it for the day and the kids thought it was awesome.
Friday evening was the School Fun Run. Our kids love this even though they don’t love to run. Ben ran with the kids this year and Millie and I met them at the end. We chilled with Matt and Jamie’s family afterwards and ate pizza. Benji says “it was the best running thing ever!” Packer says, “it was fun because I beat all of my whole family again and I got a candy medal!”
Then we came home and examined our newly flattened yard and tried to picture some finished landscaping. LaNell and Michelle were over and the 30 minutes in the back yard resulted in baths for all kids and dogs.
I’m pretty sure I was exhausted that night: