Johnson Family Party, Robertson Day, Netty Gift Exchange, Nativity with G and G Becker…
The fun just keeps on coming and so does the craziness. This time of the year is so full. We are trying to soak it all in and stay sane at the same time. I actually think we are doing a good job…
Last Friday we hosted a family party for my mom’s extended family. My Grandparents came and my Aunt and Uncle and some cousins with their kids and some of my siblings. It was a simple but fun evening. We just visited and snacked. We took a few minutes to get a family picture of Grandma and Grandpa with a bunch of their Great Grand kids and we sang a few Christmas songs. I love my family and am grateful to be so close to so many of them.
Ryan and Tara decided to sleep over that night so after the extended family left we still had a lot of gaming and fun with Ryan and Tara, Joel and Megan and Sean and Brady and Bracken. Then Michael was just getting home from his Europe trip and he came to stay the night as well. We had a ton of fun and stayed up half the night (3am) and had a blast. The next day we jumped right into gaming and snacking and the kids played great. Joel and Megan came back over Saturday afternoon and made and decorated cookies with the kids! and that evening we let Taylee babysit so the adults could go out to dinner. FUN FUN FUN
The fun continued the next day when we headed over for some Nettesheim fun. We had a family dinner and our cousin/sibling gift exchange! Being with family is so fun and easy and awesome. The night went way to fast and we enjoyed giving and receiving gifts.
Monday night we got to go visit with Grandma and Grandpa Becker and have our family home evening with them. It has become a tradition for us to take our puppets and tell the Christmas story. Gladys always gets to be Mary and Ray likes to be a Wise man. The little kids clung to me the whole time until Grandpa brought out his treats. We love this time of year!