February is Over!
February is over!
Cali has been learning dance and gymnastics moves from her cousins.
Wednesday was beautiful. We got sun burns. I was outside from 11:30am until the sun went down and it felt wonderful. We kicked the soccer ball around. Benji and I played a little baseball. Ray didn’t want to be left out.
I can’t believe how big she is getting. She still has jowels and chubby hands and fuzzy fuzzy hair.
I told Raymond that I was going to sit down and watch the USA hockey game. Next thing I know he was bringing me all of the hockey sticks and goals so that we could play. That Sunday he got the uncles to play hockey with him. We keep holding our breath that at least one of our kids will really love sports 🙂
Rose loves games right now. She and Cali are relentless in asking me to play with them throughout the day. Their favorite is still Spot It but they enjoy Apples to Apples and Candyland, Fibber and Disney Headbanz.
The king of projects was back at it this week – Packer built this “City” with all of his favorite toys. I’m pretty sure he has a similar “city” in the neighboring cousins basement.
It won’t be long now until she’s running around with the rest of them!
The girls really wanted haircuts and they really needed them so I just got the scissors out and went for it. I’m afraid Rose is losing her curls – this was her first trim so I was very hesitant. She has some curl left but not like she used to.
Her favorite spot is still the bumbo. SHE LOVES IT.
Raymond is trouble! He is. He is always looking to explore and get into things. My other kids were angelic in this department and he is not. He learned how to open doors this week so now nothing is safe: the game closet, the bathrooms, the front door and the worse one, the pantry! He raids the pantry whenever he gets hungry and looks for treats!
I think we’ve got a toy/baby stuff problem going on in our family room! One more reason we love our new bigger house. Good bye February