Salt Lake City Temple Square (July 28th)
We went to Temple Square! It’s only an hour up the road but we don’t go very often and the few times we have gone have been at Christmas time in the cold winter and the visitors center is too crowded on those nights. So I decided at the beginning of the summer that we needed to go. I wanted to let my kids explore the visitors center and see the temple and the reflection pool and…
My mom came to town and we had a free day that needed to end at the airport at 4:30 – PERFECT. So we toured Temple Square. I remember loving the Christus Statue when I was young and the kids seemed to love it to. The girls think the temple looks like a princess castle so they LOVED it. The water features are neat and the boys were loving the waterfall coming down the front of the Conference Center. We spent just over two hours. We had a few Raymond meltdowns, and stopped for a snack. We did a quick roof tour of the conference center and after a delayed flight and quick trip to McDonald’s we picked Michael up at the airport and came home in a down pour.