Silly Millie
Really I would more often be caught saying “crazy Millie” or “Beast” or “psycho baby” but this girl has personality and she can be quite Silly.
That is our Silly and Head Strong Millie! She is full of energy and loves her independence. She has also been giving big hugs lately and even teasing Ray by giving him head hugs when he doesn’t want them. She is getting fast on the Wiggle Bikes and is her happiest when she is just being one of the big kids. She loves her aunts and uncles… whenever Brady comes home she follows him around, She likes to go find “Chelle” and play at her house, If I drop the kids off at Amanda or Jamie’s she screams and screams to go with. She also loves attention from her daddy and gives him the cutest good bye’s every morning: she is usually at the breakfast table and anticipates him leaving and tells him goodbye even before he has everything ready. She also loves when Dad showers cause he cranks up the shower music and she dances outside his door. This weeks drama is that she bit through all of her bottles and I won’y buy her anymore… so she is missing the baba and we are trying to find a sippy that she “likes”. She has been using a cup a lot more also which is great.