Month: October 2017

    Oroville Party

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    Lou and Judy Rotar sold their ranch in Oroville and moved to Utah. They invited the Oroville Crew over to their new home!


    The main reason for getting together was that Keith and Susan Stutznegger were home from being Mission President in Mexico City and were in Utah for the weekend.

    It was fun to talk with old friends. These were some of the people that helped mold and shape us. People that were our youth leaders. People that watched us grow up and still love us. Friends my age and all of my siblings ages were there. And then the parents of the friends. I’m grateful for good parents and leaders and friendships. I really feel gratitude for these strong Latter Day Saints that helped raise us and continue to love and serve. Rotar, Stutznegger, Hancock, Taylor, Taylor, Crane,… Browns, Meyers, Avilas. This is a good Heritage 🙂


    and if Joel and Megan are there then it’s all good 🙂


    Categories: Jana, Robertson

    End of September!

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    Benji got to go to the Payson Temple! His Scout Troop has been so good. He loves the guys and the leaders and he just thrives in those situations.

    Benji and his flag football team 🙂 He is learning the game and the lingo. He has played lineman all season but I bet he could tell you what all of the positions are supposed to do on each play. He is learning to love the game and I wish I had more time to go throw the ball around with him cause it’s a lot of fun.

    Packer is so upset that the music leader at school has decided to have the 5th graders keep playing Recorders. It used to just be a 4th grade thing. I tried to get him and Claira to play a song but they refused.

    Millie talking to the chickens next door 🙂

    I am trying not to let time slip by without enjoying it. There are always lists of things to get done but… I’m really wanting to live in the moment and enjoy the kids while I’ve got them. We decided to make sugar cookies 🙂 The kids LOVED it:

    I also let the kids bring the bikes in the house because it was cold outside. They loved practicing inside.

    Benji is still loving soccer. He’s still not the fastest or first to the ball but he has good control and plays smart. He loves being on the team and he has been getting more aggressive. (Fast forward to October – – HE SCORED A GOAL!! from almost half field! He just booted it up to the forwards but it went high and far and bounced right in to the goal over the goalies head!! It was AMAZING)

    Tiago is just adorable right now. He loves to talk and play and be a part of everything. Here he was playing nicely on the sidelines while I watched Cali’s soccer game. He was building a camp fire 🙂

    Then for FHE that night he wanted to SING and do EVERY action to the songs! SO so Cute!

    We’ve babysat Bennett a few times. Tiago and Millie LOVE playing with him right now.

    Rose is my artist. She LOVES to draw and color.

    Ray had to get his kindergarten shots. He was super tough but ended up getting a little sick and his arm swelled up pretty big for a few days.

    Categories: General

    Fun COLOR Run

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    These kids were ready to Run!

    I pushed Millie and Tiago and ran with Erica and Michelle.

    Ray went with Matt and Ellie.

    Rose and Ben went ahead of us.

    Cali was with her friends.

    Benji was up ahead.

    And Packer was our fastest finisher up by himself.


    This year they added chalk at the finish line. Our kids loved it. After the race we hung out and visited with friends and cousins and debated what food trucks to try. Our kids look forward to this every year.

    Ellie and ray are pretty cool together!

    Categories: General, Hancock, Nettesheim

    September Stuff

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    Rose is killing First Grade:

    We are still working on our Book Of Mormon Reading every morning:

    Packer worked for a week on this tower. He really wants it to get published in the Lego magazine:

    Lots of kids enjoying the good weather:

    My monthly trip to the temple:

    Categories: General

    Sunday Funday

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    We got to have a big Sunday dinner with us, Joel, Shannon, Sean, Kelsey, Shae and their fams and peops! We had lots of fun with lots of new people over. The kids ask every Sunday if anyone is coming over to visit 🙂 We all love it and look forward to it.

    Categories: Robertson