Day: February 8, 2018

    State Wrestling/ Season End

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    State Wrestling Tournament was January 26th and 27th! I went and watched Packer wrestle on Friday. Ben and Grandpa Netty cheered and coached. He wrestled 5th-6th Grade bracket, 60-64 lbs. His first match up was against the guy that won the bracket. Packer survived the first round and then he got pinned. His 2nd guy pinned him in the first round 🙁 Packer was excited to be there though and proud of his hard work and improvement.

    Benji wrestled early Saturday morning. I wasn’t there to take pictures 🙁 I decided to go to the Temple with Shannon instead) Ben and Grand[a Netty were there. He wrestled in the 7th, 8th, 9th grade bracket at 104-108. He got beat pretty bad on both of his match ups.

    Ray wrestled Saturday evening in the Kindergarten 40-43 bracket. They did a round robin and he beat all 3 guys! He pinned the first 2 and then won by points on the last one! Ben and I and Grandpa Netty and Michelle and Udine were there to watch.

    Categories: Ben, Benji, Packer, Raymond

    Saturday January 20th

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    Shae and Tyler decided they needed a Utah reception! so Christy came out a few days early to help prep and play with our kids 🙂

    On Friday Mom and Tracie and Kelsey and Joel all came over – Our little kids had a blast with Tracie and Joel’s kids. Later on Dad and Rob and Camden and Carter flew in.

    Saturday morning we got a little bit of snow! I had  a church meeting and Eggers were busy with Shae and Mom and Dad went with them so… the kids convinced Tracie and Kelsey and Ben that they needed to play in the snow 🙂 (Benji had the Klondike that Friday night – no pics)

    Ben and I took Cali to her Futsal game and then met some of the crew at the church to make sure everything was set for the wedding reception.

    We had a little time for Headis and Darts and fun before the reception:

    And then we enjoyed and evening with family and friends at the reception:

    My dad and his siblings! We drank hot chocolate and ate donuts and danced and talked all night:


    THE END!

    Categories: Robertson