Day: May 16, 2018

    Packers Party

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    Packer decided to have his very first Friends Party! Well, Luca, Micah, (Sam couldn’t come), Zay, Cooper and Tanner. Then lots of siblings and MIa and we were babysitting Ashlyn, Anna, and Ellie. It was a MOVIE MAKING party so… they made annoying 10 hr repeat videos. Then I divided them into 3 teams and sent them on a video scavenger hunt. Then they each got a box of dress up stuff and had to see who could make the best movie trailer. At the end we did gifts and cake and ice cream and watched all of the videos from the night and then they ran around and got their crazy out. PACKER LOVED IT!

    10 Hour Clips:

    Video Scavenger Hunt:


    GIFTS: The guys all wrapped the gifts crazy and Pack loved it. Luca made him a Shroom!  How many times can you wrap the same gift and how many secret messages?!?

    and then there was CAKE:


    Categories: Nettesheim, Packer

    Quick Getaway to Ogden

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    Ben had plans to take the older kids to watch Alessandro in the school play. And I planned to stay home with the Millie and Tiago. Then I heard taht Tracie and baby Everly would be in Ogden for the night so…

    My babies and I jumped in the car for a road trip!! Don’t worry – we did get stuck in traffic and Millie did talk the netire drive!

    First STop – DOWN TOWN – and we parked right by the temple so:

    We met Tracie, Shannon, Tommi, and Kelsey at Fat Cats! and we played arcades and air hockey and grabbed some fries:

    Then we tried the Cookie Dough place for a treat… it wasn’t that good.

    Then to Shannons house for games. I was dying to play Lost Cities – so we did and we got a little giddy and laughed a lot.

    Bedtime for my babies:

    I got to snuggle that baby a tiny bit and then some more in the morning before everyone else woke up. And we had to leave at 9am to get back for soccer games.

    The road trip was so fun. I love my sisters.and don’t worry –  Millie and Tiago talked the whole way home again 🙂

    Categories: Jana, Millie, Tiago

    Ash, Anna, Ellie

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    Wednesday Night thru Monday morning we got to have Ellie, Anna and Ashlyn spend the night and hang with us. It was mostly school, sports, and dance but we had some fun and enjoyed having them around the house while their parents were in Japan!

    AND THAT WEEKEND Kris and Savannah went on a walk and ended up at the hosital. Mom fell and had a fractured foot and shattered wrist and chipped teeth! So sad to see her down and out.

    Categories: Nettesheim