Month: June 2018

    Memorial Day

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    We had a pre-memorial day barbeque with the Robertsons on Saturday! We went to Joel and Megans and ate and played and ended up helping Joel get a few chores done that he had run out of time on. The kids love riding in the wheel barrel:

    A little spike ball and laziness and laughing at Millie tring to push and pull everything – – – and lots of cookies!

    And so good to have our movie room back:

    On Monday Ben worked on the garden and The girls and Kelsey and I shopped:

    And then that eveing we went to a BBQ at the Hancocks!

    Categories: Hancock, Robertson

    Goodbye Kindergarten!

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    Raymond wrapped up his Kindergarten days! He had a lot of fun with Mrs. Larsen. Reading has come pretty easy for him. Writing is a little harder. He was great at following directions and the teacher said she could always count on him. He loved making new friends.


    They had graduation on Tuesday:

    The Neighborhood kids beofre graduation. Ray, Noah, Era, Allie.

    Three of his buddies that were in his class: Cohen, Jackson, and Coy!


    His big sisters were so proud!

    And then field day on Wednesday: I love his and Coy’s matching smiles!

    Categories: Raymond

    Mother’s Day 2018

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    These 7 goofy kids all call me mom! I am amazed at how fast they are growing up and I love seeing all of their personalities come to life. Being mom is a full time job and sometimes I cringe when I hear the word “mom”, (mostly when it’s the 99th time that hour) BUT I love the snuggles and kisses and laughter. I love that they just like to be near me and that they trust me completely. I hope I can keep that trust ad love always with each one of them.

    I got spoiled on mother’s Day – a nap after church and then crepes. I got cards and gifts and flowers. The kids played my new game with me and then we had Ben’s Mom and Dad over for dinner and a bunch of the other Nettesheims to celebrate Kris being the amazing mom that she is. I snuck a phone call to my Momma late that night and we called it a day.

    Categories: Jana

    SOCCER Spring 2018

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    3 of our 5 players


    !Team Pictures!

    Hanging out at games!


    The face of a coach that just finished his last soccer practice until Fall!

    And we had all of Ben’s teams over for end of the year parties! (luckily the basement leak got finished the day of the first party.)


    Categories: Ben, Benji, Hancock, Packer, Raymond, Rose