Month: March 2022


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    Tiago is still loving bball. They play twice a week. It’s so cute to watch them. On St. Patricks day they had a game so he had to make a lucky three pointer! He did it! And their teacher came to watch 🙂

    Categories: Tiago

    Here’s to Another Week!

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    We got new kitchen table chairs! We were constantly telling people to be careful which one they sit in and so many of them were breaking… so we ordered these and gave away the others and … We are loving them. The plumber came and fixed the bath/shower at the rental! It was a job that needed to be done probably 10 years ago. And I’m still making it up to Sundance once or twice a week to snowboard 🙂

    One of the nieces posted this video of Grandpa. Isn’t he adorable! This year has been hard and sad. I feel like last year was mostly in shock and seeing how things went without dad there. Now it just hurts when he’s not there. I miss him so much.

    Also: Lambeau had to get neutered. It was the longest week ever with the cone and no playing in the back with his friends. We are still working on food storage. It’s harder to find everything with all of the covid slow down and shortages. We got to have Becker over for a few hours. It’s crazy that Emily has been in the hospital for like the whole year.

    Still playing indoor – Cali, Mia and Anna. I love that they get to play together. And I enjoyed a night out with the neighborhood ladies!

    Categories: General

    Battle of the Books Champions!!

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    Rose and her team won the school battle of the Books!!

    Rose had a fun team this year with Avery, Navy, Molly and Teagan. They did pretty good on the first day of seeding. And they did really good on coordinating their outfits. On the Elimination day they did so good! I was helping with one of the stations and they came to me in round 3. I was thinking they would lose cause the other team had been winning and knew their stuff but “My Favorites” did so good and went on to the school assembly championship round!

    I should have gone to watch them but it is seriously nail biting! On the finals only Rose, Avery and Molly were there! Avery’s mom went to watch and texted us as soon as they won! So exciting. Go Rose – good luck at District Battles in a few weeks!

    Ray also was in battles for 3rd and 4th grade – his team was like top 5 so they did really well too.

    Categories: Rose

    Guess Who had His First Basketball Game?

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    Tiago has been getting into basketball with his friends. They play at school at recess every day. I signed him up with his friends for Junior Jazz and he is so excited. He is playing with Lincoln and Jaxson! He scored in his first game and got a few steals!

    Categories: Tiago

    New Rule

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    No Electronics/screen time unless you read first. So, 30 minutes of reading equals 30 minutes of TV.

    Categories: General

    Braces and Boarding!

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    Packer has Braces! Since March 2nd!

    After he got the braces we went up to Sundance to Snow Board. It was Packers first time. He did really good. He just took off and fell down a bunch and popped right back up. It was a HOT day and the snow was pretty good. Much better than the ice that Benji learned on. we had a lot of fun and even went up to the top of the main lift!

    Categories: Jana, Packer

    Jana’s Week!

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    Battle of the Books, Snowboarding, orthodontists, Plumbers and sledding!

    I helped at the school Monday morning with Erica, Tuesday morning with Abbie and Thursday morning with a new person. We give the kids the questions and keep score. Rose and Ray were both in it this year so it was fun to see them and their friends.

    I spent the rest of Monday at the rental house meeting with a couple of plumbers and trying to get the main bathtub shower fixed. At the end of the day they had not fixed it but we had a plan to attack it in a week. It was frustrating because I knew what was wrong but none of them would accept anything I had to say so there was a lot of wasted time. BUT Jerry did fix the downstairs shower and helped me light the pilot light and make a plan to fix the kitchen sink water pressure.

    I went up snowboarding on Tuesday after Battles!

    On Wednesday Packer got his braces on! and then he and I went Snowboarding!

    On Thursday I took Cali to the ortho – she had to change the brackets on the bottom and then hurry to soccer practice. I also raced over to catch Tiago’s first basketball game.

    And on Friday I got to go hiking and sledding with Jamie and Erica, Shelley and Meredith. And Ben and I went out to the movies to see Batman that night.

    Saturday we updated our food storage and watched the kids basketball and soccer and watched BYU lose 🙁

    And on Sunday I got called to be the 2nd counselor in the Primary Presidency!

    Categories: Jana