Easter Week/Conference Weekend
We dyed Easter eggs! This is always so much fun. Our kids cranked through the eggs in minutes but we got some pretty neat ones.
Ryan came down on Friday night. We got the kids to bed at a decent time and played Agricola. It’s one of those 2 hour, lots of strategy, not for beginner types – I finally won a game so now I like it 🙂
Shannon also came down and we watched conference on Saturday and hung out with family.
On Sunday the kids searched and searched for their Easter baskets!
Then we went over to Joel and Megan’s and ate waffles and watched conference with a bunch of my siblings.
And after the last session of conference we headed over to Grandma and Grandpa’s house for dinner and an Easter Egg hunt.
It was a busy weekend – we did enough to cover 3 weekends of fun, but… I love Easter and I love Conference and I love Family so it was Great.
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