Packers Creativity

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    Packer is still Mr Creative. The other day we watched a documentary about the United States and things that have happened over the years. The next morning I came down in the morning to find some Lego Creations:


    Twin Towers!

    those are blue air planes lodge in the buildings.

    the Exploding spaceship!

    the red is the fire coming out.

    These next 2 are injuries that have left a mark on him…


    Packer and the Basketball Hoop!


    Luca and the Window well!


    these were made before 8am – the kid doesn’t know how to sleep in and he zonks out at 9pm like clock work.

    Also needs to be noted that Packer is OBSESSED with Mine Craft. He discovered the game early in the year and then we fed the fire by getting him the Xbox version for his birthday. HE LOVES IT. He loves to play with siblings or cousins or friends or all by himself. I can’t understand the game but I think it’s a creativity thing… and he thrives on it. And my lazy late pregnancy days and new born days have given him lots of Mine Crafting time.


    I told him no more elctronics so he went and made his own mine craft looking tree.



    Wrestling with his brother might be the only other thing that brings a big smile to his face.

    Categories: Packer

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