We all love Tiago!

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    This baby is so much fun. He is good but likes to be held. He LOVES to eat, all of the time! He loves to sleep close to me. He still doesn’t have a lot of awake time or a schedule but he seems to be content when we are out and about and in the car so that is encouraging. MOSTLY he is just super cute and we all enjoy snuggling with him:

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    Millie has stopped ignoring him. Now she can’t leave him alone. Always brings him his blanket and pacifier and is fascinated when I feed him. If she would understand the word SOFT then she would be a pretty good sister and helper but in the mean time i find myself constantly telling her to be soft and get away and don’t touch him and…

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    I could do a Rosie post as well. She loves to hold Tiago and tries to be a big helper.

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    These pictures are all almost a month old now but that’s what happens when you have a new born and go on vacation….

    Categories: General, Rose, Tiago

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