When did February get so Busy
I don’t remember February being such a busy month. We celebrated lots of birthdays! and got to hang out with lots of family!
Ryan’s 40th Birthday! feb. 2
Gus’s 1st Birthday! feb. 4
Gavin’s Baptism! feb. 6
Grandma Johnson’s 89th Birthday! feb. 9 (celebrated on the 6th)
Saturday Night Game Night:
Tiago at church:
Matt’s Birthday Party and Super Bowl! feb. 7
Maren’s 3rd Birthday! feb. 8
SEE?! A bUSY MOnTH, RIGHT? Now we will take a few days to gear up for Raymond’s Birthday and Valentine’s Day and a few other Birthdays!
Now it’s the 10th. First third of the month was a SUCCESS. We are all getting colds. Kelsey and Brady kept me up too late playing Nertz and Tiago just wants to be held all day so I’m off to rescue the baby and rest for a few minutes.
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