Provo City Center Temple

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    We spent Saturday at the New Provo Temple!!

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    The Wait was an hour with tickets- kind of long BUT at least we had a heads up that it would be crowded. Kelsey and Brady and C-way helped entertain the kids. And we happened to be by an old hometown friend (Chris Howarth) in line so we got to catch up with him a little.


    The Temple is BEAUTIFUL. It was great to be there with Ben and all of our kids and try to show them how neat this really is and get a sense for the beauty and peace of the temples. We loved the stain glass and the murals, and the colors and the wood work and the pretend bench chairs. It was Amazing. Also neat to think that Ben and I went to some of our first stake Conferences in that building.

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    After the tour we needed food so we braved the provo mall and Red Robin with all the kids (and aunt and uncle to help). We didn’t get home until dinner time and none of the chores got done but It was a great way to spend our day.


    That evening we left the kids with Brady and met Ben’s family at the Timpanogos Temple. We all went together and had a great time and topped it off with Culver’s Custard. We missed Emily, Schy, Rick, Jen and Amanda but We’re all determined to do that more often.

    IMG_20160227_123920  Flashback to May 2015 Payson Temple! IMG_20150512_144619-001

    Categories: Nettesheim, Robertson

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