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    Dad is still in the hospital and not doing good. Here is the latest update:

    1/17/21 – found blood clot near lungs. Painful. He is in a lot of pain and not answering his phone.
    1/18/21 – Michael just talked to Dad’s dr. She said he’s still hanging in there, same as he was yesterday. He still has that blood clot on his right side, but still only that one, he hasn’t developed any more. They have him on a lot of pain meds because pain makes people work harder to breathe so he needs to be comfortable. But that’s why he’s on groupme less, because he’s doped up. I asked her to dial back the pain meds because he’s very naïve and she said she would (sorry Dad😉). His oxygen requirement is the same today as yesterday. So down from 2 days ago, but no improvement today.

    We are tying to find a way to get in and give dad a blessing because he is in so much pain and these blood clots have us worried. Joel and Josh tried to go in but got denied. Joel made lots of phone calls until one of the ladies called the COO of the hospital. We still got denied access to dad – BUT – he is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and said he would give Dad a blessing!

    1/18 – evening from mom: Wow! Just got to listen in on the blessing- couldn’t hear every word, but am so grateful to Heavenly Father for the comfort and hope that I could feel in Dad’s voice- please all add a thank you to your prayers tonight for that good brother who was willing and worthy to serve as the Lord’s mouthpiece❤️
    We stalked him online: Devan Johnson, Vice President and COO. Many people at that level in a company wouldn’t stop to give you the time of day. Let alone go in after hours on their own time on a holiday. What a good man. So grateful for the gospel and for righteous people who are willing to serve. Get better dad!

    Categories: Robertson

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