Monday 3/1 Still in CA
Monday morning – homework, breakfast, and GAMES with Kevin and Liz’s fam.
We went to the dam and roller bladed!
Cute Girls in the Car
And the VAN IS FIXED so we can pack up and head home! yipee! We decided to pack up and then after dinner we’d drive down to Sacrament to a) test the new transmission b) see mom and Tracie’s new house and c) be a few minutes closer to Home when we start the long drive home. We loaded the car and had a few last hurrahs with K and L and then headed out around 7pm.
It was nice to see moms new place all set up and cute. And the progress Michael had made in his room. And to see John and Tracie and kids and goats! And to give mom one more hug… her world really has been turned upside down! They had their bags packed for their mission and now dads gone! We moved her out of her condo and ward! She is in a new place without her husband – they had been together since high school! I just feel so bad for her 🙁 I’m sad they don’t get to serve their mission together.
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