How is Rose adjusting to a little brother?
How is Rose adjusting to not being THE baby anymore??? she’s doing really well. She is right at that age – 17 months – where she doesn’t want to be a baby anyway, she wants to be a big kid. She is usually chasing the older kids around and trying to keep up with whatever they are doing. I do try and make sure to give her the 1 on 1 time when she asks for it. Today we snuggled and watched Mickey Mouse together and she seemed to love it. She has decided that she doesn’t want her pacifier! kind of bad timing but if she is done then that is great. I think she’ll start talking more without it and I love that it is her choice. I have had the pacifier hooked to her shirt every day since birth up until this week so I am excited about the change. The side effects so far are a loud and vocal 1 year old and she seems to be waking up in the middle of the night… I am ignoring her and she goes back to sleep fairly quickly.
Some more about Rose – whenever i change her or Ray she says “poop poop” – it just makes ya smile. She always brings me her shoes and coat and gets louder and louder until she gets to play outside. If she sees anyone coming or going then she wants to go. The problem is it is still winter, yesterday was 67 degrees so we played outside but typically we are still in the cold and windy season. Rose also loves to put her head on Ray’s head then she says “ahhh, ahhh” and “baby baby baby” over and over. It is cute. Sometimes she tries to be a BIG baby, stealing his blanket, car seat or pacifier. We love our Rose.
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