Cali’s Photo Shoot
Erica got a hold of my baby and took some pictures… Cali was not cooperating for the photographer. ie. kicking and stretching and not letting Erica position her at all. It was kind of funny, but she still managed to get some cute ones. Cali is 38 days old in these pics – no smiles yet.
Aww she looks gorgeous! Im so jealous I didnt get to hold her at Alyssa’s shower. Lol… what can you do shes too cute. Plus i dont think your mom wanted to give her up. 🙂
I like the one with jana in it the best.
I like the one with you and her, but the one of her crying is AWESOME!!
Oh…those are adorable! So beautiful. Even the pic of her crying is cute. Thanks for the thank you card by the way….I think it is funny that sometimes I tell myself that if I could just be a little more relaxed like Jana I would be better off!
Those are great! I love the feet picture. I’ve been trying to take one like that of Luke’s feet forever and I just can’t get a good one. I need a super nice camera!
Oh, P.S. Our blog is if you’re ever curious….
she is so Darling! some of the fussy pictures turn out to be some of the best. Man, Erica takes awesome pictures. Your lucky you have such a good friend that can such great pictures. Plus it helps when you have a very cute subject to shoot to. Congrats again!
I like the screaming one too!