Back to School

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    Benji had a successful first day of second grade! He was nerous but excited. I told him he could go back to first grade if he needed to but he assured me that he already knows all that stuff. His teacher is Miss Heinrich. We met her yesterday and she seemed to be on the ball. Benji is in the same classroom as last year so that is exciting. He is still using the same back pack from kindergarten but he did need a new lunch bag. Ben walked him to school and he said he would be fine walking home on his own… he was fine. He is so old.


    His ‘best’ for he day was that he was nervous about who e was going to sit by but when he sat down his friend Brock was sitting next to him! Super Cool. Two other friends from his church class are now in his school class. And at recess he was able to find his 3 friends from last year 🙂


    His ‘worst’ is that he does not want to be a later gator. It was hard for him to watch half the class and all his friends leave before him especially since he was an early bird last year. I really want him to be able to walk Packer home at 3:30 when the babies are napping so I am making him go late. Sometimes it’s hard to be the big brother. Hope today is another good day…

    Categories: Benji

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