Our Week – june 10-15th
Ben left us and went to hang out with the boys at scout camp all week. The kids and I have stayed pretty busy and had lots of people check in on us. We played with cousins all day Thursday! LaNell came and checked in on Tuesday. Brady came over on Wednesday and babysat while I went to the post office and ran some errands. Ben’s parents also came on Wednesday to check on Packer. The 3 oldest got to have a sleepover with Pete and Amanda’s kids. I thought it would be therapeutic for Amanda’s brain tumor recovery! Not really but it seemed like a good night for a party and my children LOVED it. If Amanda crashes in the next day then I am to blame. I had a regular prenatal check up this morning and everything looked good with the baby. Now it is Friday afternoon and we are taking it easy, letting Raymond nap and MAYBE going to the pool when he wakes up. Benji is across the street making friends with the new boy that is 1 day older than him and the other 3 are playing with Mia and Luca! Love living by cousins!
I have all of the upstairs unpacked except for the game closet and I need to do some organizing in the boys closet. The main level just has one more box! 1. Maybe I’ll go unpack it now so that I can call it done! One kitchen counter is piled high with things to be put away but I am so close in there. The TV got installed. The drinking fountain got installed. The bathroom mirror got replaced… now i am starting on a new list… the toy room door just started sticking. The trim on the island needs some love. Anyway, like i said I have stayed busy with the house and entertaining the kids. The garage and basement are still screaming my name but those aren’t as urgent.
NOW IT IS SATURDAY and Ben is home!! Hip Hip Hooray! We did chores all morning and had a cousins water party at Grandma and Grandpa’s all afternoon. I’m exhausted, goodbye week…
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