Benji’s Baptism

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    Benji was so excited to get baptized and become a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It is all he has talked about since he turned 8. He would have been baptized in July but we were out of town. And they usually do child baptisms in the morning but all of our church leadership was on Trek so… Benji got baptized August 3rd at 7pm in Pleasant Grove Utah. There were 2 other kids that got baptized with him. We had so much family come and support Benji in his decision! Both of his Grandma’s and Grandpa’s were here and Great Grandma and Grandpa Johnson. All of the Utah Nettesheim’s except Uncle Schyleur- that’ 25 people!! Ryan’s Fam, Joel and Megan, Brady and Kel. Becky and Nate and Carol and Larry… He was excited to see everyone he knew and recognized. I loved seeing ALL of the cousins come right up to the font when it was his turn. He had a big smile on his face. I loved watching him make such a good choice in his life and seeing how happy it made him. We had everyone over for Ice Cream afterwards and celebrated the rest of the evening.


    Categories: Benji

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