Cali started her Second Year of Preschool!
Cali was so excited to go back to school. She has a December birthday and she would love to be starting Kindergarten but is to young. She is going back to the preschool that she did last year so she already knows her teachers and loves them. Thursday was her first day and she asks me every day if it is a school day. She is very motivated to learn all of her letters and she likes to try and write things on her own.
I love how the younger siblings always want to be in on the back to school pictures. Any other day you can’t get them to stand in the same place but on school day everyone wants their picture taken. Mia is in Cali’s class again so it will be nice to have them together and being next door is wonderful for carpool. Cali filled out her all about me paper and said that her favorite food is cheese pizza, color is green and blue and pink and purple, loves to ride her bike and play princesses and play with cousins, doesn’t like chores and being scared of the dark, and she wants to be a cheer leader-doctor-ambulance driver when she grows up! I think she’s going to learn a lot at preschool this year. I haven’t always been a fan of preschool but for Cali’s personality it is great.
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