March Madness

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    I love ncaa march madness. I love watching hours and hours of basketball. But it is not uninterrupted march madness. Life goes on. Kids play and eat. Family comes to visit and we all eat green food for St Patty’s Day. We’ve had a mix of summer weather and some rain. We’ve watched Frozen and played games. The basketball madness starts up again tomorrow. I am excited for that but I am more excited to see what life brings our way next…


    Rose and Ellie on their Tuesday play date.

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    dancing kiddos

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    I’m addicted to Baller Beats. Ben is addicted to Hearth Stone. and Packer makes up his own games.

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    Ray thinks he is big enough to wander the yard. Here he is in the neighbors yard with the big kids 🙂


    Dutch oven dinner anyone?? yum


    And the girls finally got us out to fly their kites 🙂

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    Ben took an hour on a Saturday to go to the driving range with his brothers.


    We made lots of Green Food on March 17th:

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    Millie is a big mouth smiler and trying to move on her tummy… and she always has a toy close by…

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    We bought Frozen the day it came out and have watched it many times since…

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    Wiggle cars are fun for all ages.


    Millie can hold her own bottle when I run out of time and she’s starving…


    We made it to the school fundraiser and the boys made fun 2 liter bottles again this year.


    Ryan and the girls came down for a Friday night sleep over! Brady slept over too and Joel and Megan played with us both days…

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    This is what I see out my front window… I love when they play outside. I love that there are lots of neighbors to play with. This makes me excited for summer.


    And that is the end of my pictures.

    Categories: General

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