Weekend Warriors

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    Really our weekend wasn’t that crazy to be called weekend Warriors but I have been so tired since the weekend that I’m using it. Every time I sit down to blog I fall asleep within minutes. My brain is just fried and my body exhausted. I had 2 extra kids all week and then I hurried around Friday after the pool so that I could go to Katie J’s wedding. All of the Jagoda’s were there and I got to spend most of the evening chatting with Jennie and LaNell so it was fun.

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    After the reception Ben and Ryan and Brady and Sean and Eddy were ready for some games. We played 7 Wonders with both expansion sets. That’s still a good game.

    Saturday was busy! Ryan and I got up and got the kids ready and went to 7 Peaks right when it opened! It was a chilly morning but the water was warm and there were NO lines! Ryan and I got to Ride the Diaper a few times and the toilet Bowl. It was fun being with my brother – it felt like I was a kid again – just for those few minutes. Benji rode the toilet bowl with me and I convinced Benji, Cali and Rose to go on one body slide with me. We spent most of our time in the wave pool and lazy river. It was cold but worth it. We left a little after 12:00 when all the people started coming.


    It was nice of Ben to stay home with Ray and Millie and get the yard work and shopping done!


    Then Sean and Eddy and C-way came over. Ryan and Ben made dinner. Sean and the guys helped me get the waverunners dropped off at the shop. We ate. We watched the Italy/England game. LaNell came over and Pete’s family was next door at Falabella’s so we all mixed and mingled. Joel and Megan came. Cali broke her tooth out! and I hurried and took Ryan and girls to the Trax station at 7:50pm. Sean left. Joel and Megan and Brady hung out a little longer. I eventually crashed and luckily had mostly everything ready for Father’s Day.


    Categories: General, Robertson

    One Reply to “Weekend Warriors”

    1. I love the pic of you, laNell and Jennie! Man, I haven’t seen her in forever! Wish she was on fb! And I love Dennis’ photo bomb! ahaha! Glad you and Ryan got to go and have some fun! It feels so nice to feel like a kid again sometimes!

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